Well hello there my random readers, it’s been awhile since we last had a chat hasn’t it? Since I’m not one to keep you waiting longer than you already have been, let’s get into today’s topic shall we?
As you may have read above, we will be getting into the dynamics of the Batman vs Superman 2nd trailer and what it hints at for the movie. I have to say after watching the 2nd trailer, I'm impressed with Warner Bros. pictures' ability to play it’s audience in every angle possible in order to rope them into spending their money to see this film. What I mean by that is, the whole second trailer is an action junkie's wet dream; giving you tidbits of the main event in a lot of people's opinions.
For instance, the head to head battle between my personal fav Batman and what lot’s of people consider his true ultimate rival, Superman. With fists flying and buildings falling, who can fault some people from jumping over hurdles and spending their hard earned cash to go see what could be a most epic movie?
So if any of you have perused the first trailer, then you would know it is in stark contrast to what I just described with it’s angsty, over dramatized scenes in which they reveal tidbits about the true plot behind this whole meeting; more accurately, clash of titans conversation between Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent, where you get Lex Luthor playing puppet master. This ensures that if you didn’t get people in for the plot you will damn sure get them with action scenes alone and let’s not even talk about the bomb ass graphics that would need to be there.
So, in conclusion, if you’re into DC comics or, just a person who appreciates the action, comedy, or angst films, then buy your ticket and go see this movie.
Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice's release date is March/23/2016.
See ya later ranfans.