Well hello again my random readers. Nice to see you’ve come back for more trailer discussion fun with little old me. To the new readers out there who have decided to come aboard my review train... awesome sauce, hope you like what you read and become one of my true random readers.
Ok getting into today’s review of the holly jolly greatly anticipated Christmas horror film titled “Krampus” which will be released December 4th of this year just in time to scare us into doing the right thing and appreciating what you have before Christmas gets here. After looking at the trailer and doing a little research of my own, I’ve decided that this movie looks promising if not a little predictable.
The trailer features a typical self-absorbed family who don’t seem to appreciate anything and do nothing but bicker the entire time until they get stuck in the house by a blizzard and creepy things start to happen. As per the usual flow of events this is when you take the oldest person in the room and let them introduce some old tale about some random creepy stuff that might have been good to know earlier but where is the fun in that.
Now here comes Krampus who is the terrifying ass goat demon equivalent of getting all the black coal you ever dissevered for Christmas all in one night and being slowly stoned with it, if you get what I mean. So if you need a little reminder why it is we are told since birth to stay on Santa’s nice list and to never be on his naughty list here you go; a film dedicated to making sure you know that if it wasn’t creepy enough that Santa stalks your every move he has a evil creepy ass counterpart that goes around with the sole purpose of making sure you know that Santa don’t play and you can die this very day.
Quick side note for those of you who don’t know, there is a real legend about Krampus.I would watch myself if I were you because one never knows what’s lurking right around the corner of your karma.
Well till next time my Random readers TTFN.