This is the second movie about The Librarian so hopefully it’s better than the original. It did come out four years later (2008) so hopefully the graphic are at least better. There is also a movie between the first and this one but I couldn’t torture myself so soon after the first. I may get around to watching it in the future but for now it doesn’t exist to me. Any movie that includes a recap is already starting off wrong. If I missed it then I should have no clue what’s going on in a few seconds of flashes and if I saw it I already know so don’t show it to me again.
In the middle of buying a high priced vase our hero Flynn takes a call from his drunk girlfriend and over bids in on an artifact then proceeds to smash it in front of the enemy revealing the philosophers stone. They fight. Flynn wins but loses his girlfriend leaving him depressed about his adventurer job as the librarian. The solution is a vacation which turns into the quest for the Judas chalice that is rumored to resurrect a vampire. In order to help revive the vamp, the “evil group” kidnaps a professor who is an expert in all things vampy.
The love interest is a vampire and I’m getting very mixed signals about what she actually can and can’t do. In one instant she can’t resist the call of the chalice while it’s in view however in another situation, her morals allow her to resist it. She drinks blood, is adverse to silver, crosses and a specific kind of wood. She can’t, however, hear three men walking in a house that has a wooden floor or get the same men off of her while Flynn is being attacked. However, a full strength, she can take down an iron door. They needed a meeting to decide exactly what she can and cannot do because this version of a vampire is all over the place and the rules are to loosey goosey to me.
Then the main evil guy slices Flynn’s hand and gets a whole chalice worth of blood from a small cut, which isn’t possible, even in a world that asks the audience to suspended believability. Apparently makers have no control over other makers and a young vampire is evenly matched with an older vampire despite that going against every vampire lore that I have ever read. Oh and these vampires can turn into dust for some reason other than an unnecessary special effect that could be added to the movie.
The Review:
I’ve decided I will not torture myself by watching another one of these movies. While this one was slightly better than the first, that is mostly due to the improvement in cinema in the years between the films. This movie was still terrible. I have no clue how this was made into a series that is based on these horrible movies.
The old professor has been out in daylight throughout the whole movie. He even teaches classes at a university! How could he have been a vampire the whole time? Even if he was sick, he still was able to bite and turn people. Him being able to be in sunlight, makes no sense at all. Who writes the story with the “rules” that can change at any minute to fit the needs of that character at the moment? A lazy writer. Just watch the series. It’s way better.
Final Score: 2.5/10