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Trailer Discussions: The Angry Birds Movie

Hey hey my random readers. Welcome back or if this is your first time perusing over my little reviews then once again merry meet and welcome to you as well. As you may have read above, today’s topic is the trailer for The Angry Birds Movie and I’ve got to tell you that I have some mixed emotions about this particular film. Now I am a strong proponent for the games and have had most of them on one device or another. However, nothing about the idea of the cartoon show when it came out excited me and now that I’ve heard about this movie I’m still not all that jazzed about the idea of it. I don’t understand why something can’t be just left alone. It was great as a game why can’t that be enough for people. However, while I understand the concept of getting as much profit out of something, or wanting to capitalize on your good fortune while it last, sometimes I feel like you have to just let things be because it may very well ruin your brand if you don’t.

That being said, do I think people should go out and see it? Absolutely. If you’re a family oriented person and you have kids, this is going to be right up their alley. It will have just enough relatability and humor to have you enjoying it as well. If you are a person like me who, still to this day, loves good, wholesome, family movies and childlike humor from time to time (or all the time), then this is a movie you can possibly get into as well.

Now on to the trailer itself. After watching it, I found myself laughing good naturedly over the birds needing to receive anger management and making their abilities more a part of their character’s charm. It makes them more lovable. It starts with the classic red bird thinking he’s being flirted with by a female bird when really she’s flirting with the guy behind him. The Red bird gets upset and moves on. He starts anger management and meets some interesting characters doing peculiar things. For instance, the Black bomb bird accidently exploding when he gets spooked by a surprise party his friends are throwing for him. It seems to have everything we love about the Angry Birds game but in a fun playful twist. So if you go see it, let me know how you or your children like it.

Till next time write you later RanFans.

The Angry Birds Movie hits theaters May 30th.


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