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Trailer Discussions: Deadpool 2016

My random readers welcome back or if this is your first time perusing over my little reviews then merry meet and welcome to you as well. As you may have read above today’s topic is the trailer for (what I consider and you really should to) a movie of epic proportions and just all around awesomeness the DEADPOOL MOVIE!!!

So, if you lovely individuals can’t guess by the last sentence I’m a huge fan of pretty much most things Deadpool which means I’m stoked for this movie to come out and was all too happy to review this trailer. Ok so before we get into this trailer and why everyone needs to see it lets quickly sum up Deadpool for those readers who may not have been enlightened to his awesomeness as of yet. Or maybe you just have never given him the time of day ( which you really should have….. of course I’m horribly bias ). Deadpool is a sarcastic, wise cracking, badass, and mercenary; a Marvel antihero who likes to break the fourth wall for the fun of it and has some awesome abilities to boot.

Ok now that I a gave into my inner self’s need to geek out and rant a little, time to move on to the facts of the trailer and the reason why I think it will be worth the watch. Though its common knowledge that everyone was very disheartened and frustrated with the depiction of Deadpool in Marvel’s X-men Origins: Wolverine, I’m happy to say they went back and fixed there mistakes. The trailer starts out with an already sarcastic Wade Wilson (that’s

Deadpool’s real name for those who didn’t know) discovering his severe cancer. This leads to him making a deal with the devil in a manner of speaking.

Through the trailer you see him cracking jokes and killing people in a funny hijinks sort of manner that is classic Deadpool fashion. He even goes so far as to flip over a car and shoot 3 people in the head with one bullet and pelvic thrust over the dead bodies.

Another plus for this movie is that it’s rated R. It allows Ryan Reynolds (the actor for Deadpool) to really get into his role and portray the character on the big screen like it deserves to be presented to the fans.

So checkout the trailer below, preorder your tickets as soon as you’re able to and be there for this most epic journey into the life of Wade Wilson better known as "mother flipping Deadpool" people. Hopefully I’ve recruited some more fans to the Deadpool side of life; either through conversion or getting some newbies hip to the awesomeness.

Till the next time my RanFans TTFN.

Deadpool hits theaters Feb. 12

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