I am excited to introduce new content to you guys. We now have The Insanely Overpowered Podcast. It is a podcast that will discuss everything from tv to movies and games and comics. Right now, we are cover The Walking Dead. Valente and I discussed the latetest episode and realized that we did not agree on pretty much anything.
If you want to hear the unedited version. Visit our youtube page below. I just need to warn you that there is a mahor spoiler at the end of the podcast. One of the Co-Hosts became a little too excited. Visit one of the podcasting sites below for the spoiler free version of the episode.
If you want to listen to us live, visit the website and our social accounts for when we announce the day and time of the next podcast on google hangouts.
Don't forget to comment and review on the podcasting platforms. It helps us produce higher quality content.
Podomatic: http://opentertainment.podomatic.com/entry/2015-10-23T16_17_44-07_00
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-611689864