Let me start by saying this is not a necessary part of the game. You could very well enjoy gameplay without this gamepack. Personally, I don’t use the new features often and it has no impact on my gameplay what so ever.

Has life gotten your Sims down? Do they need time to just unwind? Well this game is for you and your wayward sims. This pack introduces a life of luxury and wellness. Where they can relax in the spa. Sims can do yoga, mediate, get many different kinds of massages, and get mud baths and even woo-hoo in the sauna.

Even though this may seem like the perfect paradise for your sims, this new location also creates a new death. Death by steam proves that too much time in the heat can be fatal. Take caution when using the sauna.

With a high wellness skill Sims even develop the special abilities of levitation and teleportation. The spa also brings in incense, tropical fish tanks and a new tub that allows mud baths and soaks. The first time my Sims traveled to the spa it was quite luxurious she had a mud bath, fertility massage (she had been having trouble conceiving), hand and foot massage, and a nice steam in the sauna. The emotion buff for fertility lasted at least 8 hours and my sim got pregnant that night.
Things that are missing from spa day.
Manicures and pedicures
Face mask, exfoliating, and deep cleansing facials.
Anti-aging cream
If more content was added to the game. I think it would be more useful for my sims. As stated previously, this is a gamepack that I can leave.
Final Score: 5/10 Power Ups